Monday, January 30, 2012

Getting Real: Resistance is Feutile

  "I don’t care what you feed yourself and your loved ones. Eat all the junk you want. You have a choice. You can treat your body well or treat your body like shit. Would it be cool if everyone fed their bodies well? Yes. I refuse to tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t eat unless they specifically ask me to tell them. You are responsible for yourself." -- Primal Toad

 I would love some feedback from you on today's post.  It's one that I think I'm still working through, and am hoping that as I write, I might discover my own convictions are already hidden in there.    But as I get started, I'll be honest and say that I'm still processing....   

The question has recently become,  'Am I willing to be "That Mom."  

You know the one.

Hypothetically, of course..... let's just imagine for a moment ~   

     You've gone to an huge amount of work to put together the perfect party for your child. The children have been invited, the cake has been made, the decorations as well as your house are exactly the way you'd like them to be, and right on time the guests begin arriving.    The noise levels rise, the squeals of delight begin to fill the air as the children do what children do, and the hum of parental conversation begins to flow. 
You start making the rounds, speaking to mom's you know well and some you don't. You catch a falling breakable mid stride, put it back and pat the little culprit on the head and send him on his way without missing a beat.   (You are a mother, after all. It's what you do.)    Feeling confident, if not slightly tired, you glance over to see the see the pure glee on your birthday girl's face and you know you've hit it out of the park.
Floating on that knowledge, you resume your rounds and that's when you see her.   She's down on the floor, talking to her child, who isn't happy about not getting the piece of cake he knows is coming.  She's reasoning with him, he's acknowledging as if they've had this conversation before, and then he goes off to play.  You can't say why, but the scene bothers you just a bit.
Does she have to be 'THAT' mom?  you think....  After all, it's a party and everyone else is going to be having cake and ice cream and going home with a goody bag full of yummy treats.  She isn't really going to deprive her child of that, is she?   I mean, can't she just let him have fun for once?   One time isn't going to hurt him!  You struggle to maintain your euphoria, but before you know it, That mom has stolen your joy.    

Or has she?   Was it her, really? 

Somewhere in there you felt a judgement, or condemnation from her because of her choices.

Her choices are different, and therefore somehow tell you that yours are wrong.

Did she say that?        Is she That mom?  Is she the one who bombards you with the reasons she's right and you're wrong and then continues to pester you or point out your shortcomings -  all the while eating carrot sticks from her prepacked cooler and drinking her coconut water while wearing her matching jogging suit and homeschooling her kids and teaching them to play the violin?     whew.

or is she that mom, who has simply decided to do things differently despite what's normal.    

that mom happily accepts your invite to the party, all the while knowing she will have to watch her children once again wrestle with and struggle to be comfortable with being different.  

that mom will accompany them with her happily bought gift, knowing that her own desires towards sugar will be tempted and tried as well. 

that mom stands alone in a crowd of people. She will present a brave and confident front, while inside she is praying to God that she's chosen what's right for her family.    And then she prays some more for the strength and the wisdom to then guide her family down a different path.

that mom will face the stares and the possible questioning looks, and she will engage them in topics other than food and more than likely about themselves, while she wrestles with her own insecurities and hopes the smile on her face appears as genuine as she really is. 

She's not the bad guy.  But she is that mom.

Am I willing to be that mom?     How secure am I in my choices?   How strongly have I decided to commit to this lifestyle change - because it doesn't just affect me, it affects my 3 cave babies for the rest of their life.

When I began my journey this summer, I was drinking at least a coke a day, eating chips and any candy I could keep around. I was fixing big ole' southern meals full of the best fried chicken and mashed 'taters you'd ever eaten.    I have had 3 babies, and although I'm one of the lucky ones who survived without stretchmarks, I'm afraid I was proudly wearing something much worse.   Belly fat.  Booty fat.   Upper thigh fat.   Upper arm fat.      
I am only 5'4, but I love to work out.  I love the edge so much that I decided kickboxing and I were meant for each other.    But even thought I was working out every single day, boxing, running, pulling tires up small hills in a single bound ~  
I was getting thicker.  And I was feeling worse.   I felt good at the gym, but not in the rest of my life.  I was on depression medicine, struggled with bouts of unexplained rage and moodiness and regularly stocked up on Ibuprophen for headaches, Prevacid for stomach issues and Advil cold and sinus for the ever present allergies.

Fast forward to this past month... where my family is now totally gluten free, striving towards Paleo and just completed our first family sugar detox  ....     and I find myself in the place of that mom.       Without sounding like I'm singing my own praises ~  this is the part I'm wrestling with.   

I am that mom.   But how do I embody and embrace that mom without alienating those around me?

How do I still fit in my social and familial circles, and not make everyone else uncomfortable or at the very least, make them feel as if I expect them to 'assimilate because resistance is feutile!'   

I want my children to enjoy parties.  I want them to enjoy life.  Which do I want them to enjoy more?

 I want to enjoy parties.  I want to enjoy life. 

                                                                            Which do I want more?

I met that mom this weekend.    And I have to say that she has caused quite a stir in me. By her quiet example, she has forced me to look harder ~

and I'm grateful. 

Allow me to go a little deeper here and say, that I believe there is a process by which things are 'refined.'  

Refining Silver
Some time ago, a few ladies met in a certain city to read the scriptures, and make them the subject of conversation. While reading the third chapter of Malachi they came upon a remarkable expression in the third verse: "And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." One lady's opinion was that is was intended to convey the view of the sanctifying influence of the grace of Christ. Then she proposed to visit a silversmith and report to them what he said on the subject.
She went accordingly and without telling the object of her errand, begged to know the process of refining silver, which he fully described to her. "But Sir" she said, "do you sit while the work of refining is going on?" "Oh, yes, madam," replied the silversmith; "I must sit with my eye steadily fixed on the furnace, for if the time necessary for refining be exceeded in the slightest degree, the silver will be injured."
The lady at once saw the beauty, and comfort too, of the expression, "He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." Christ sees it needful to put His children into a furnace; His eye is steadily intent on the work of purifying, and His wisdom and love are both engaged in the best manner for them. Their trials do not come at random; "the very hairs of your head are all numbered."
As the lady was leaving the shop, the silversmith called her back, and said he had forgotten to mention that the only way that he knows when the process of purifying is complete when he sees his own image reflected in the silver....
--Author Unknown

If I am to follow this logic, then the refining process of my new way of thinking/ eating has begun.  I don't have to be ashamed at my failures along the way, as I learn where I stand.     I don't have to apologize for not getting it right all the time.  
    What I will do, though,  
 is pray daily for the wisdom to continue to love those around me, without the expectations of change to my way of thinking.    I will continually strive towards excellence in my own family,   and towards grace to everyone else.  And I will continue to foster acceptance of myself - understanding the refining takes time unlike assimilating where there is no choice involved.    

I hope everyone can find that mom - or that friend - or that spouse.  That one that makes you believe it's possible for you too.


Today begins round 2 of my 21 day Sugar Detox.   If you haven't already done this, I highly encourage you to do so.   No matter where you are in your journey, there's always room for a challenge.    The detox is only 21$, is well worth the money, a quick read and a resource you can use for the rest of your life.   Get it.  Then do it with me.    That's an order.

Ok. Well, maybe it's not a real order, but a strong suggestion?... or I could beg? 

  Or not.

Favorite find:    packing lunches

Favorite Article:   What about your arteries?

Crazy Motivational Video:   Alex Honnold;storyMediaBox

Favorite website:   10 real life reasons why the primal blueprint works

Monday, January 23, 2012

Getting Real: Beauty & the beast within


If you're like me, that word can cover a multitude of things.   I can relate beautiful to people, to shoes, to nature or to music.

But how often do I relate that directly to me?

       I will be totally honest and tell you that this post is going to be written as much to myself as to anyone who's reading so let's just get this started ~

     As you may know , I just finished my 21 day Sugar Detox (which if you haven't done, I highly reccommend it!!) and thought I would go into the gym today and get on the scale to see how I did.

(I know.  Enter flawed logic part 1.) 

But I did it anyway. 

And was I rewarded with a big grin and a fist pump because the almighty scale told me what I wanted to hear.    You guessed it. 
                                                              No freakin' way.

So not only did I step on the forbidden scale, I took a big old bite out of low self esteem after listening to it's poisoned information that I had actually GAINED 3 pounds.

Now, in my head, tucked inside that little logical pocket,       I know that the 2 inches I lost around my waist are proof that what I'm doing is working. 

    - I know that the .5 inch I lost from my thighs and the visibly reduced presence of cellulite on the back of said thighs proves that this is working.

    - I know that the loss of the 3pm slump and the energy gain are proof that this is working.

And I would be the first person to tell someone else what a great job they had done, because clearly the weight gain isn't 'weight gain' at all, but the building of lean muscle mass which weighs more than the fat did.
But that's someone else, after all...           we're talking about me here.

       I walk right up to that scale like a kid at a carnival hoping that just this time I'm going to win.
Well, let me tell you a little secret ~    I don't know if you know it or not, but  that game is rigged, and that deck of cards are stacked against me.    I know this.    Really, I KNOW this.

So the question then becomes,   "Why?" 

Why do I care what the number on the scale says? And why does it then tie into and subsequently affect my self worth?

 Why?      Why can't I talk to myself like I talk to others?   Because somewhere in there I believe what I tell them.

Why can't I see myself like I see others?       As strong, beautiful, intelligent beings who I never look at and think 'Her weight is really keeping me from enjoying her company.'    

And Why can't I stop listening to the media and its anorexic view of beauty ~  and start listening to my Caveman, who is continually trying to drag me off to his cave because he's so attracted to me.

        Why does that number on the scale take away from the knowledge I have in my head?      Why?!

Because Beauty doesn't come from a number.  I can tell you that.   But when will I start telling me that?

This morning I read a wonderful quote from Bellatrix Nutrition.  


  It said "Growing happens when what you know, changes how you live."

Clearly, I'm still working on this.

        "Sadly, very few people ever live to become the success story they dream about. And there’s one simple reason why: They never take action! The acquisition of knowledge doesn’t mean you’re growing. Growing happens when what you know changes how you live. So many people live in a complete daze. Actually, they don’t ‘live.’ They simply ‘get by’ because they never take the necessary action to make things happen – to seek their dreams. It doesn’t matter if you have a genius IQ and a PhD in Quantum Physics, you can’t change anything or make any sort of real-world progress without taking action. There’s a huge difference between knowing how to do something and actually doing it. Knowledge and intelligence are both useless without action. It’s as simple as that. Success hinges on the simple act of making a decision to live – to absorb yourself in the process of going after your dreams and goals. So make that decision. And take action."
-Bellatrix Nutrition

 Beautiful comes in all shapes and sizes, but I need to challenge myself to re-define what I 'think' beauty is.

Beauty is the strength of a mother knitting together a life in her womb.    Beauty is the strength it takes for her to bring that child into this life.    Beauty is her heart, as she shreds it to pieces while loving her family.    And beauty is etched in the lines on her face as she ages, having lived well and loved well both herself, and everyone around her. 

Someday soon I will believe the truth about beautiful ~  and I will stand on the knowledge that it has nothing to do with my weight or my size.    I will one day believe that I am beautiful because of who I am.

Today I wish that for you as well.     I wish for you to know more than you know anything else, that you are BEAUTIFUL inside and out.   

What's your definition of beautiful and does it need to be re-defined?    

Breakfast ~ 3 eggs fried in pig fat, whole Green drink
Snack ~ after workout ARM recovery drink
Lunch ~ Baked Ham, carrot fries, sweet potatoes and green beans
Snack ~ Cheese and almonds/cashews
Dinner ~ Baked Chicken

Workout for today ~
  5 min. AMRAP  5 v-ups, 7 Goblet Squats 1pd, 9 Vertical Jumps from full squat
Wod:    'Randy'  
    Now that I'm lifting heavier weights and my ankle is recovering, my lower back has decided to make an appearance.  Not in the 'oh, I've injured my back' kind of way - but in the 'oh, my back is blown up like my forearms are after doing too many toes to bar'.      So while I'm waiting for that to fall into line like the rest of my sore muscles :)   I did Randy with only a 45# bar    in 6:40.     Certainly one to put on the list of  'Do this Rx next time!'   
Later today I'll go back in and row for my endurance workout and hopefully get in a few double unders. My best as of today has been 107.   Aiming for 150 today.

Favorite Motivational Blog ~ If you have only one motivational blog to read a day, you should be reading this one.  Lisbeth is by far my favorite genius when it comes to to-the-point honesty.

Favorite Recipekale shake

 If you've just finished your 21 Day Sugar Detox, you should also read this  ~
What Now?

A few thoughts to leave you with....

"By changing our eating habits and how we workout, we are forever changing generations to come. Make positive life changing decisions daily. Think beyond yourself." - Jeremy Kinnick
 "Remember, every day is Day One and every meal is Meal One. Every day and every meal you start with fresh resolve. You're always strong enough to eat one paleo meal. Don't try, just eat it. It's only ever one meal. You can do it!" -- James Gregory


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Getting Real: The 21 Day Sugar Detox Days 18-21

A Cinderella Story ~

     Over the weekend I will complete my 21 Day Sugar Detox ( can I get a Halleluiah?!!!!)  
I would like to lie and say that I've enjoyed this process and look forward to living the rest of my life sugar free.  But I'm not a fan of lightening strikes, so I'm just not going to pretend on this one.

Has it been horrid?  No.  Not really.  
Has it been fun?   No.   Not really.

Will I continue to be much more mindful of what sugars I do eat?  Absolutely.  

Do I feel better?  Yes.

Did I lose weight?   Nope. 

But what I did do, was lose 2 whole inches around that nasty wheat belly I'd been carrying around, and I'd say that's much better than 'weight lost.'     Because let's be honest, 'weight lost' suggests that I intend to find it again and my friend, I do not intend to do any such thing!

I will tell you that the thing that helped me succeed the most, was clearing out the pantry.       When I stopped making excuses for 'buying things for the kids lunches'  that I could then later consume ~   and got that pantry down to nearly nothing... that's when things started to change.

First thing in the morning when the kids want to know what they can have to eat, I can honestly answer them with 'Anything you can find in the fridge or pantry.'    There aren't any hidden treats or tempting crackers. There aren't even any Gummies or Goldfish.  No Ritz, no Cheerios, no Ghiradelli chocolates and no bread.  

We could literally go to the fridge and eat whatever looked good.   "But my kids are picky" Grapefruit began disappearing at the hands of the kid who would previously only eat cheerios and peanut butter.  Cabbage is being consumed raw while they watch movies.   And I have been able to make the switch from craving chips and chocolate to honestly craving a meal instead.  If the right choices are the only choices, our kids aren't as picky as we allow them to be!     (hmmm... there's a thought.)

No!     By having only what we should eat (tons of fresh fruit, veggies, easy protein, eggs and nuts) the choices were so much easier to make.     I didn't have to try to 'overlook' things, and I didn't have to worry about making the right choice.   It was simply a matter of pulling together what I did have and putting it on the table.

It wasn't more work.   Once I decided it was what we were going to do. 

It wasn't bland food.    Bacon can spice up anything :)

And no, I wasn't hungry all the time.   As a matter of fact, I enjoy being full now because it doesn't come accompanied with that awful bloated- I-need a nap feeling.   I eat, I feel full, I feel satisfied and then when I'm hungry again I eat.   
In a way it reminds me of parenting.    If you ever put your child on a schedule and kept track of what your baby ate and when and how much, (which I did because I'm a nerd)  it takes the guess work out of the equation. If  I knew for certain that I had covered the basics I was a much more confident parent ~  and then if things were out of whack I could track down the problem because most things had been eliminated.

Feeding my body has been a lot like that process.   When I eliminated certain things and kept track of what I was eating and when - it became a lot easier to listen to my body.
 I wasn't always fighting some ailment, or fighting an upset stomach- or popping pills to settle the indigestion.   The food I began feeding my body began working with my body instead of against it.  Which settled the hunger. Which fed the energy.  Which stopped the 3pm bonk.   Which gave me the confidence to do it another day. Which helped me lose the weight in inches.
Which gave me more energy at the gym .......

You get the picture.   

I want to share a post by  Coach Scott Abel
       "The diet-mentality can never work because its sole/soul focus is of pain/pleasure - which itself creates emotional tension - and emotional tension always seeks relief. So, when you reward yourself with food or pig out - the pleasure is instant but the pain is delayed, and you know it, so it creates emotional tension - Then when you try to compensate and eat less, the pain is instant and the pleasure is delayed, but you need it, and this creates emotional tension - So, the result of both scenarios is emotional tension. And since emotional tension always seeks relief, then the reality math of this can NEVER work. The diet-mentality is THE PROBLEM, NOT THE SOLUTION
 I love his perspective on the term diet and am I am now a firm believer in the importance of changing your lifestyle vs going on a diet.   
I set out to succeed.  I set out to win.   And although it was only a competition against myself, it was crucial that some things be brought up, dealt with, cast aside and ultimately conquered.   
If you ever fought with me, you know that I'm pretty competitive... but I sometimes lacked the belief in myself to be able to finish the fight.  After these 21 days, I believe that is changing.     I didn't discover any secret to success, but I did discover a light in me that I thought had gone dark.   I found that hidden pocket of tough that was ready to dig in an see this all the way through.     
 And I did.          
If you're just beginning your journey, or maybe you weren't able to stick to it ~  don't give up. Remember, it's a lifestyle and lifetime change. It won't happen over night.  It won't even happen tomorrow.  But it will happen one change at a time, and if that's all you can do, then you be proud of that.   Let that be your inspiration to go on and make the next choice.  And before you know it, it kinda' feels normal, this new way of life, and you're not so stressed about it anymore.
  Let me leave you with a few more words from Coach Able..... 
    "Some people just need a little more help believing in themselves in real terms - they just can't recognize their own gifts. But I've found as a coach this old adage is true - "Put even the plainest woman in a beautiful, elegant and expensive dress and she will always aim to live up to it." Nothing wrong in coaxing the Cinderella out of someone who has forgotten she still lives inside her. In fact, it is my most rewarding work."
Find your Cinderella and embrace her!    Fight for her, cause' she's worth it!

Breakfast ~ Green Drink
Snack~  post workout ARM
Lunch ~ 1/2 Green Drink, Baked Ham, Cashews
Snack ~ Sweet potato
Dinner ~ Paleo Chili
Workout for the day:
Tabata 8 rounds push ups/Vups
Skill:  5x5 Thrusters  (these are going to be the death of me)   85#
WOD:    3 rounds for time
           100 Ft. walking overhead lunges 25#plate
             15 Pull ups
               20 Kettle bell swings  1.5 pd  (russian swing)
Time ~ 12:30
 Favorite Video~ Vegetarian Chicken rant 
Cool Workout Clothes~
 Favorite Blog ~
Favorite Recie ~  Strawberry Cupcakes

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Getting Real: The 21 Day Sugar Detox Days 13-17


Oh how I've talked to my oldest daughter about this particular character trait.

And I have to be honest and say this 21 days has been a lot harder than I thought it would be.  I figured I had it in the bag, since I began cleaning up my diet over 6 months ago.

Perseverance and I have had a long hard chat over these last couple of weeks!

What I discovered was that while yes, I was doing a decent job with my eating, I wasn't eating as clean as I thought.  Yes, I successfully kicked the Coke habit about 6 months ago.   Then I began  eliminating the breads, oatmeal, rice and beans.  But I was still making exceptions for the occasional tortilla and maybe a cracker here and there.  But the real kicker was the sugar.   I wasn't eating bags of M&M's (which I have been known to do) or snacking on Hot Tomales (my favorite!) anymore, but I was still craving them ~ and I'm afraid I still had hopes of 'eating healthy for awhile and then I could splurge a little and eat the stuff I wanted.'
Ugh....   such flawed logic on my part.       And doing this 21 day  Sugar Detox has been like a huge flashing billboard to point out my total and completely controlling sugar addiction.   

Now those earlier changes alone are all good - so I give myself points for that (and you too if you're just getting started).    But all I had done really, was to go gluten free.   I hadn't really addressed the hidden sugars.  And because I hadn't addressed the sugars, I was still badly craving sugar.     Honestly, I still am.   

That old way of thinking that if I just eat this way for now, or for this limited time frame keeps crawling through my head.      This is a lie!  

I do think my taste buds have changed - but my craving for sugar goes so much deeper than my taste buds.  I won't get into that here, but I will tell you that earlier in the summer I read a book called Made to Crave by Lisa Terkeurst.  (    In her book, Lisa talks about the use of food to fill emotional holes and how to overcome that.  I highly recommend this book if you ever struggle with emotional eating!

Once I finally got serious and decided it was time to change, I started educating myself on the Paleo diet/lifestyle and knew that I liked what I read and saw.  I 'liked' as many paleo sites as I could on facebook, so that I would surround myself with thinking that was in line with where I wanted to go.  I began printing recipes and trying new foods, and little by little began integrating my family into my way of eating and thinking.  

I saw a post several months back where Adam Farrah from Practical Paleolithic
(  )  was talking about why people fail at the Paleo lifestyle.  One of his points was his confidence that if I sent him my food log for the last couple of days, he would show me how I was more than likely not at all eating as clean as I thought I was.

I, in my arrogance, thought that couldn't be true... but somewhere in the back of my mind I also knew I didn't want to send him my food log - because I had a feeling he was right.

 So why the long-winded back story?   To encourage you, and to quite possibly encourage me.

Perseverance isn't something you can cheat your way to.  It only happens if you stick with it every day, every decision, every choice, every hour.   

Am I happy about giving up sugar?  Yes and No.

Is it still a war raging internally to stick to that decision?  Oh my goodness yes. 

Do I wander around all day some days thinking of nothing but sugar?   Yes.  I wish it wasn't so, but yes.

So why do it? 

Because I've chosen me this time around.  I've decided I'm worth it, and that my health and long term quality of life were worth fighting for.
Does it mean I have to give up some of the things I love?   Yes.  And in this immediate gratification society we live in, it doesn't make sense to a lot of people why I would deprive myself or my kids of 'just one treat.'

But the truth of the matter is, that some of those things I 'loved' didn't love me back.    They were momentary tastes of heaven that very soon after would leave me riddled with guilt, shame and a sense of having given a part of myself away.      They weren't concerned with the long term relationship, they were only interested in the now.   They weren't looking out for my best interest, they were only out to satisfy the now.

I have faith that this journey will get easier... that one day I will laugh in face of sugar (in my best Simba voice).  But until that day,  I plan to go to war with my cravings.  And I plan to win.  

What's your plan?     What's your biggest battle and how do intend to win?    

For breakfast today I had a yummy treat! (my sweet neighbor is the recepient of many trial recipes, and this was no exception.)    I carried over my new found treasure, in the snow, uphill, for the 20 feet between our houses, barefoot....    Ok.  Not really. I had my very cool snow boots on - but most of the rest of that is true. 

Breakfast ~   1/2 Green shake and Ham & Egg Breakfast Bowls
Lunch ~   Leftover baked ham, green beans and cucumbers
Snack ~  Carrot Juice and almonds
Dinner ~  Paleo Chili

For my workout yesterday, we did a repeat of Wod #3 of the Bend Winter Games.
2 rounds ~ 25 push press (45# bar), 25 jumping lunges
Skill: Front Squat 5x5      105#
WOD: (event 3 from the games this weekend)
2 min. max burpees, full hand release, end on 45#plate
1 min rest
25 Thrusters 65#
500m row
25 Back Squats 65#
800m run completed Rx in 12:37

Favorite Video ~ my good friend Evan Satterfield from Crossfit Murfreesboro and his crazy bat like abilities!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Getting Real: 21 Day Sugar Detox Day 11 & 12


Oh how that word applies to so many things other than food.  

But the question then becomes ~
     What are you hungry for?
What is the thing you think about more than anything else?
      Or more often than you should?.... 

As I take on this challenge, I am coming to terms with the fact that I'm hungry for so much more than food - but I'm recognizing that food has been my go-to friend for a couple of years.      Just this morning I read this post from Clean Eats in the Zoo and thought I would share ~

          "Day 12 of the The Whole30 | Whole9.        Yesterday received the call that my grandma is in her last few days. I went to see her last night and was able to spend some quality time with her...I immediately noticed my emotional response of wanting to eat something "comforting"...chocolate, to be exact. On my drive home from seeing her, I was so tempted to stop off and grab a candy bar. Yes, I'm that bad. It was like a mental tug-of-war. I had to ask myself--if I stop for chocolate, am I going to really enjoy it? Yes. If I stop for chocolate, will it be worth it? No. If I stop for chocolate, will the sweetness take away my sadness? No. Conclusion: It wasn't worth it for me to fall off the Whole30 wagon for some 30-second indulgence. I came home, ate some leftover dinner and a banana and called it good. Still felt sad, but it would have been the same if I had eaten that candy. Seeing the emotional aspect of eating sugar so evidently is a really good reminder of why I'm trying to break these habits."
How many times has there been an emotional hole in your life, and you're immediate reaction was to find something yummy to eat?      I can honestly say I recognize this thought pattern at least once a day, and depending on how and where the stresses are coming from, sometimes it's all day long.
"If I could just eat some chocolate I would feel better.    Man! I'm so stressed I just need something to reward myself for making through this day!"  and so on.....

Now, I'm all for little splurge and enjoy life kind of moments, don't get me wrong....  but not when they are done with the hopes of solving or soothing an emotional hole.  And oh how I'm guilty of this!

Doing the 21 Day Sugar Detox ( 
has been both rewarding and stupidly hard!!!  Let's just be honest. 
And since I decided to blog my journey, I know that my choices during the day are going to have to be logged in for all of you to read.   That's providing me with an interesting level of accountability.
And in all honesty, it's been the little bit of extra push that I needed in order to feel like I could succeed.  

The challenge for today is to find out what you're really hungry for ~  and then begin to figure out if it's true hunger, and if are you going to satisfy that craving.

This can get a little tricky - because our hearts can sometimes tell us we are hungry for things that in the long run don't really matter or worse yes, aren't going to be healthy choices.   So begin to be honest with yourself and when you feel that hole of hunger, ask yourself some questions.     Learn to be ok with the emotions behind the hunger, and then learn to be still.  Even for just a moment, be still with those emotions and acknowledge them.     (are you thinking about food now?  or has something else popped into your head?)

Most of the time, if you'll allow yourself this 'self imposed time out,'  you can get to the real reason and as a result - make the right decision.

Hunger.    Is it for food?  Are you genuinely hungry, and if so then go down to that fridge and make a healthy choice!   If you're not, then stop and give yourself the chance.   Trust your commitment to yourself enough to know that given the choice, you want to make the right one.       

A little hunger for your goals can get you a long way ~     

and taking the time to make the right decisions will help you get there!

Breakfast ~  2 egg bacon fritata, almonds
Lunch ~  Bacon burger, peas, sweet potato fries, Green Shake  (kale, spinach, coconut milk, almond milk, almonds, berries, banana)
Dinner ~ Baked spiral ham, Green Beans
Snack ~ Carrot Shake  (3 carrots, avacado, almond milk, coconut milk, 1 apple, 1 pc mango)

Today is my off day from Crossfit.  Whew!    So far this week I'm on track for doing 4 Wod's and 3 Endurance Sessions with an 800m jog before each endurance to work on the ankle.      The endurance sessions are rowing sprints for me (since I can't completely run yet) and although it's the longest 15-20 minutes of my life, I am starting to see small changes during my workouts with my cardio.   
I did have 3 PR's this week (personal records) so that was a big huge smile for me those days.
I'm one week in with both eating and the new workout plan, and against my better judgement, I got on the scale just to see how I was doing after a week.    I'm seeing so many people posting their weight loss after just one week that I thought I was going to do the same.   
Well.   I can report that I gained 2.5 pounds.   I can also report that I will not be touching that stupid scale again until my 30 days are up.     I know better than to get on there because those numbers are no more a representation of how I'm doing than the man in the moon!!!   I can see that I'm getting smaller and at the same time getting stronger - and I can guarantee that a number can't possibly represent what that should 'look' like on me.   Oh well. Lesson learned! 

Yesterday's workout: 
Wednesday 1/11/2012
Skill: 2 Rounds of:
20 Lunge with weight overhead (10#)
10 Burpees
Strength: Squat snatch 5×5   worked with 45#bar only
21-15-9 of:
Overhead Squats (65/95#)    I had to use the 35# bar for this and was very discouraged by that.
Pull-ups   (was able to do these unbroken chest to bar)

       The overhead squat movement and my ankle didn't at all agree - so look for massive improvement there as I gain more flexibility in my IT band and ankle.  Ugh! 

I'd love to hear how your weeks are going.  Where are you in your detox?  Are you just joining us?  Or is this your 3rd time around?   I know there aren't too many of you reading this, but don't be shy, please ~   the feedback and knowledge that we are in this together is a wonderful thing!

Favorite Recipe~  Cowboy Breakfast Skillet
Enchilada Cabbage Rolls

Highlighted Blog ~  The Top 9 Challenges of Being Paleo

Featured Video   What's Your Excuse?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Getting Real: 21 Day Sugar Detox Day 10

Sometimes, seeing is believing.   

I was reminded today that we all need to be seen.   Myself included.  And there's something to be said for acknowledgement.  ( For me, this request is part curiosity, part experiment, with a little nosy mixed in there.)

I want to see you.   I want to agree with you.   So I'm going to ask you a favor.  If you read this blog over the next week, would you post your name either in the comments below or on the facebook page below the link?  

I have a theory ~

When we make a change, or make an important decision ~ it's accountability that helps us see it through.  But no one can stand with you on that change if you don't tell anyone.    Now don't get me wrong, there are plenty of times that you keep decisions to yourself - but I'm not talking about those decisions.  

I want to talk about the ones that you keep private because you're afraid to fail.   The ones you know you should share but don't because what if you can't live up to other peoples expectations once you've put them out there.   The ones that keep you up at night because you so desperately wish you had someone to share the journey with you.    

We all long to be seen, to be known.     As a teacher, I'm a hands-on- know-your- name and a little bit more kind of girl.    I may not always get it right, but I do my best to see my student.  To read more than just their smile when they walk in the door.    And if I accomplish nothing more, I want them to know I 'saw' them in my space today.  I noticed they were there.    They were seen, and not just seen but acknowledged. 

So today I challenge you to see those around you.     Or maybe I need to challenge you  to see you.    Who have you been choosing to ignore or keep at a distance on your journey?    And have you asked yourself why?          

Who have you left out of your decision?   Was it You?     

Either way, make it a point to live life out loud.     And as Stephen Curtis Chapman says now, Choose to See.

Breakfast ~ Scrambled eggs, bacon
Snack ~ post workout ARM
Lunch ~ Burger patty, topped with bacon with almonds
Snack ~ green shake
Dinner ~ Left over lunch

Workout today ~
     Tabata V-sits/ Supermans
     Skill ~   Good Mornings (New PR 95# up from 65#)
     Strength day for me, so I worked Deadlifts and gained another PR   215# deadlift up from 185# done in sets of 2 & 3 to find my max

Motivational Video:   Gillian Mounsey

Recipe of the Day:   Grain Free Waffles

Monday, January 9, 2012

Getting Real: 21 Day Sugar Detox Day 7,8 & 9

Over the weekend I experienced my first 'I wanna' quit' moment. Granted, it's Shark Week  (don't worry, I hadn't heard it called this either until I saw it mentioned on a fellow blogger's site...  aunt flo?  it's that time?  shark week.  LOVE IT)

Anyway.  ANYWAY ~  during this particular week, my emotions tend to run a muck. They attempt to take over and sabotage any well made plans I might have.   Knowing that was a probability, I believe I laughed out loud at one point as I realized the ridiculousness of my then thought.

I actually had the thought - " I'll be glad when this 21 days is over so...." and before the thought was complete, I laughed at myself.      Have you ever had that thought? It's that honest moment of panic when you realize you really are going to have to change some things.  You really are going to have to give up something you LLLOOOOVE!.   ugh.     And it's that old way of thinking, that has kept you stuck in your rut of unhealthy eating. Or maybe it's unhealthy thinking? or habits? 

I knew right then, that I must be doing something right. I've heard the scripture that talks about 'taking every thought captive...' and at that moment I understood.   It was going to be up to me to either finish that thought and let it take root - so that somewhere in my mind I would have given myself permission, to make it the 21 days and then go back to my familiar eating habits ~ or I could take that thought for what it was and trash it.  

I no more want to go back to my old way of eating than I want to put my hand in a meat grinder, but my taste buds are rebelling in a big way.    They don't agree.  They are craving the sugar!  They are craving the momentary 'peace' that comes when I allow myself to indulge in that Kryptonite.   For a great blog post on this go here ~ 

So these 21 days have been absolutely necessary for me to understand just how addicted to sugar I really am.  And they have been absolutely necessary for me to decide whether or not I meant what I said ~ or if it was all just a bunch of talk.
(I came across this blog this morning, and the picture in the middle really spoke to me.)

I want to change.

I want the results.

I want to be healthy inside and out.

I want things to be different, and my taste buds are just going to have to deal with it!

On a happier note,  I did get to celebrate my birthday over the weekend with the best steak ever and 2 tiny pieces of chocolate. I allowed myself that small cheat but agreed to do the detox for
the whole 30 days instead of just the 21 as an exchange.     
Oddly enough, I don't feel deprived by that.   I feel energized.    For the first time since I can remember, I'm in charge of me.   I'm in charge of making a very real and lasting change, and that feels good.    

So wherever you are on your journey, know that it's not easy even when people say it is!!    It's just not.    It's hard to make those choices.    It's hard to stand by them.   And some days it's hard to be confident that you can do it. 

It's those days that you let others carry you.  Read their blogs. View their transformation pictures with awe instead of judgement for yourself.  

Know it's possible. 

Then go do the thing you think you cannot do! ~

Breakfast ~ Green shake and vitamins
Snack ~  Arm post workout
Lunch ~ Pork tenderloin & Onions, Green beans
Snack ~  sliced chicken, almonds
Dinner ~ Bacon burger and avacado, carrot shake

workout for today:
Tabata   8 rounds 45# press, leg lifts
Skill: Clean and Jerk I hit a new PR today :) 105# for me!!!!
WOD: get ready for this one..... 5 min AMRAP 3 HSPU , 6 Goblet Squats @ 1 pood (I got 6+ rounds) 2 min. rest then 10-1 Power Clean 65#, Burpee Pull ups (chest to bar) done in 15:34 Rx.

I'm starting to see more and more Rx wod's for me - so I'm very excited about that fact. The ankle is coming along nicely!
Motivational Video: Hannibal for King

Favorite Blog: A wheat farmer weighs in on Wheat Belly

The Nourished Kitchen has lots of wonderful recipes

For those of you with cave babies - this wonderful mother has an entire site dedicated to what she feeds her little ones