Tuesday, October 9, 2012

{30 Day Challenge} Day 1&2

Wow do I need to catch up ~  or just start over.  Either way, I got behind on my writing thanks to life and kids and more life. So here's to catching up.

Today is day 2 of a 30 day challenge.  Activated by my crossfit gym, a very large group of us have taken on the challenge to be the one to have the biggest change in our overall body fit-ness in 30 days.

Body fat, checked.    So not pretty but not too bad either.
Weight, checked.      Haven't gained any of the 22 lbs I lost back, so again, not pretty but not bad.
Nutrition plan, checked.        Totally confused but ready to try.
Workout schedule, checked.   3 days plus an Oly lifting class.
Motivation, checked.       Ask me in a week. 

So today was an interesting eating day to say the least, but more on that in a later post.

Once I gave up the breads and crackers, I lost a decent amount of weight, stopped getting headaches, and felt better and more even keel most of the time. I started CrossFit regularly, and thought I was well on my way to being the next fit chick on the poster motivation girl.  


That didn't happen.  

I haven't gained any weight back, but the closer I get to 40 (ugh!)  the softer I seem to get.  So my goal over these next couple of months (cause' let's face it, it's going to take a lot more than 30 days to make this change happen!) is to relieve my lower back pain so I can lift heavier weight in the gym. 
Ok, Ok.  So I'd like to lose 5 pounds.  And I'd love to lose an inch off my waist. But what's really an issue for me is this softeness around the middle, that really feels like I just can't hold my abs tight anymore.   

For goodness sake. I'm not THAT old!!!  

I'm a fighter.  Yeah, if you know me, you know about that. 

But really.  I want to lift heavy, work hard, be fit and be the healthiest me I can be.  

So I'm jumping on board for some accountability. (nothing says accountability like someone pinching your fat and measuring it)

  As for today ~  I wasn't hungry.  Don't get me wrong, I felt that old familiar pang that let me know it was time to eat. But dang if I didn't think about food ALL day long and the fact that I don't need to eat so much food.  But really hungry?  Nah.   I just wanted to eat.

Yeah, that's the problem.  I just wanted to eat.

  I don't know about you, but learning to find something other than food to medicate the fears and stresses of the day is really, really hard to do. 

AND I'm southern!  So this girl likes to eat and enjoys d the feeling of being overly full on biscuits and gravy and good southern cooking.

But being very pro-active in what and when I eat, until I learn my real triggers and need for food - is the real challenge I'm on.   

The challenge of not rewarding myself with food, because I'm not a dog.

The challenge of speaking kindly to myself when I fail, and allowing myself grace to continue on.

That's the real challenge. 

Can I eat like this for the rest of my life?  Well, that's the goal but I don't know how realistic it is.  For now, I'm going for 30 days.  Not to stay on a diet until I can go back to my old habits.  But to give the new habits enough time to take root.

What's your challenge?   Will it take you 30 days or 30 years?    Either way, just take today.
Did you succeed today?  and if so, be proud.  If not, learn from it and do it differently tomorrow.
This is my challenge.  What's yours?


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