Sunday, January 1, 2012

Figuring my path to 'Cave-dom'

While I learn to navigate the use of the blog, I'll be sharing blog posts that both motivate and inspire me. There are so many influential resources that it's hard to think I'm going to have anything to add to it all ~ but I know me, and I know that I feel like I have something to say and all you who know me personally know I like to talk about what I'm passionate about. SO ~ that being said, I'm still swirling the idea around in my head as to what it is I really have to say. So bear with me while that process develops and enjoy the wealth of information already out there in the mean time.

Today I began my journey on the          Please join me on this if you want and keep me posted as to how you're doing.

I've been eating better... but not strict anything over the last couple of months and I believe that time is over. Since I moved to Bend I've lost 17 pounds and 2 sizes, but still I need a change. A big one. There are too many times I make excuses to go back to my old eating habits, too many exceptions and really, when am I going to start making myself a priority?!

21 days without sugar is going to be, well... it's going to be dreadful I believe, because let's just call a spade a spade and acknowledge that I am Bethany Willis and I am addicted to sugar. Yes, I said it. I am an addict and that very fact makes me slightly pissed off.

I don't want to be an addict, but I would guess that no one really sets out to be an addict of anything anyway. So this year is all about acknowledging my addictions in all areas of my life, dealing with them, and creating positive life lessons in their place.

(This quote came from

Be that as it may, I have an even bigger responsibility than my own addictions ~ I have 3 cave babies who I've been put in charge of (the cave man can fend for himself at this point, but since we are all going to be making the change, he'll either have to stop at Taco Time every day, or by prozy he'll be eating better too)
My goal is to successfully transition my whole family over to a better lifestyle where we don't end up in our old age talking about our addictions - but are still living life to the fullest.


Eating primal/paleo is the end result but I can be honest and say that as of now we're starting with Paleo. One step at a time. Strong, healthy, energetic cave babies and one empowered cave-mama. 

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