Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Getting Real: 21 Day Sugar Detox Day 10

Sometimes, seeing is believing.   

I was reminded today that we all need to be seen.   Myself included.  And there's something to be said for acknowledgement.  ( For me, this request is part curiosity, part experiment, with a little nosy mixed in there.)

I want to see you.   I want to agree with you.   So I'm going to ask you a favor.  If you read this blog over the next week, would you post your name either in the comments below or on the facebook page below the link?  

I have a theory ~

When we make a change, or make an important decision ~ it's accountability that helps us see it through.  But no one can stand with you on that change if you don't tell anyone.    Now don't get me wrong, there are plenty of times that you keep decisions to yourself - but I'm not talking about those decisions.  

I want to talk about the ones that you keep private because you're afraid to fail.   The ones you know you should share but don't because what if you can't live up to other peoples expectations once you've put them out there.   The ones that keep you up at night because you so desperately wish you had someone to share the journey with you.    

We all long to be seen, to be known.     As a teacher, I'm a hands-on- know-your- name and a little bit more kind of girl.    I may not always get it right, but I do my best to see my student.  To read more than just their smile when they walk in the door.    And if I accomplish nothing more, I want them to know I 'saw' them in my space today.  I noticed they were there.    They were seen, and not just seen but acknowledged. 

So today I challenge you to see those around you.     Or maybe I need to challenge you  to see you.    Who have you been choosing to ignore or keep at a distance on your journey?    And have you asked yourself why?          

Who have you left out of your decision?   Was it You?     

Either way, make it a point to live life out loud.     And as Stephen Curtis Chapman says now, Choose to See.

Breakfast ~ Scrambled eggs, bacon
Snack ~ post workout ARM
Lunch ~ Burger patty, topped with bacon with almonds
Snack ~ green shake
Dinner ~ Left over lunch

Workout today ~
     Tabata V-sits/ Supermans
     Skill ~   Good Mornings (New PR 95# up from 65#)
     Strength day for me, so I worked Deadlifts and gained another PR   215# deadlift up from 185# done in sets of 2 & 3 to find my max

Motivational Video:   Gillian Mounsey   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyxTw5hn3HI&feature=youtu.be

Recipe of the Day:   Grain Free Waffles    http://fastpaleo.com/grain-free-waffles/


  1. I am reading! Keep up the good work, you are doing great!

  2. Thank you Tiffany! I'm glad you're reading and I'm writing to someone other than myself ~ that makes my day a little brighter :)

  3. I am reading Bethany. You keep me going:-)
