Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Getting Real: The 21 Day Sugar Detox Days 13-17


Oh how I've talked to my oldest daughter about this particular character trait.

And I have to be honest and say this 21 days has been a lot harder than I thought it would be.  I figured I had it in the bag, since I began cleaning up my diet over 6 months ago.

Perseverance and I have had a long hard chat over these last couple of weeks!

What I discovered was that while yes, I was doing a decent job with my eating, I wasn't eating as clean as I thought.  Yes, I successfully kicked the Coke habit about 6 months ago.   Then I began  eliminating the breads, oatmeal, rice and beans.  But I was still making exceptions for the occasional tortilla and maybe a cracker here and there.  But the real kicker was the sugar.   I wasn't eating bags of M&M's (which I have been known to do) or snacking on Hot Tomales (my favorite!) anymore, but I was still craving them ~ and I'm afraid I still had hopes of 'eating healthy for awhile and then I could splurge a little and eat the stuff I wanted.'
Ugh....   such flawed logic on my part.       And doing this 21 day  Sugar Detox has been like a huge flashing billboard to point out my total and completely controlling sugar addiction.   

Now those earlier changes alone are all good - so I give myself points for that (and you too if you're just getting started).    But all I had done really, was to go gluten free.   I hadn't really addressed the hidden sugars.  And because I hadn't addressed the sugars, I was still badly craving sugar.     Honestly, I still am.   

That old way of thinking that if I just eat this way for now, or for this limited time frame keeps crawling through my head.      This is a lie!  

I do think my taste buds have changed - but my craving for sugar goes so much deeper than my taste buds.  I won't get into that here, but I will tell you that earlier in the summer I read a book called Made to Crave by Lisa Terkeurst.  (http://madetocrave.org/purchase-resources/)    In her book, Lisa talks about the use of food to fill emotional holes and how to overcome that.  I highly recommend this book if you ever struggle with emotional eating!

Once I finally got serious and decided it was time to change, I started educating myself on the Paleo diet/lifestyle and knew that I liked what I read and saw.  I 'liked' as many paleo sites as I could on facebook, so that I would surround myself with thinking that was in line with where I wanted to go.  I began printing recipes and trying new foods, and little by little began integrating my family into my way of eating and thinking.  

I saw a post several months back where Adam Farrah from Practical Paleolithic
(http://practicalpaleolithic.com/paleolithic-diet-blog/my-personal-journey-to-paleo  )  was talking about why people fail at the Paleo lifestyle.  One of his points was his confidence that if I sent him my food log for the last couple of days, he would show me how I was more than likely not at all eating as clean as I thought I was.

I, in my arrogance, thought that couldn't be true... but somewhere in the back of my mind I also knew I didn't want to send him my food log - because I had a feeling he was right.

 So why the long-winded back story?   To encourage you, and to quite possibly encourage me.

Perseverance isn't something you can cheat your way to.  It only happens if you stick with it every day, every decision, every choice, every hour.   

Am I happy about giving up sugar?  Yes and No.

Is it still a war raging internally to stick to that decision?  Oh my goodness yes. 

Do I wander around all day some days thinking of nothing but sugar?   Yes.  I wish it wasn't so, but yes.

So why do it? 

Because I've chosen me this time around.  I've decided I'm worth it, and that my health and long term quality of life were worth fighting for.
Does it mean I have to give up some of the things I love?   Yes.  And in this immediate gratification society we live in, it doesn't make sense to a lot of people why I would deprive myself or my kids of 'just one treat.'

But the truth of the matter is, that some of those things I 'loved' didn't love me back.    They were momentary tastes of heaven that very soon after would leave me riddled with guilt, shame and a sense of having given a part of myself away.      They weren't concerned with the long term relationship, they were only interested in the now.   They weren't looking out for my best interest, they were only out to satisfy the now.

I have faith that this journey will get easier... that one day I will laugh in face of sugar (in my best Simba voice).  But until that day,  I plan to go to war with my cravings.  And I plan to win.  

What's your plan?     What's your biggest battle and how do intend to win?    

For breakfast today I had a yummy treat! (my sweet neighbor is the recepient of many trial recipes, and this was no exception.)    I carried over my new found treasure, in the snow, uphill, for the 20 feet between our houses, barefoot....    Ok.  Not really. I had my very cool snow boots on - but most of the rest of that is true. 

Breakfast ~   1/2 Green shake and Ham & Egg Breakfast Bowls   http://wellnessmama.com/3679/ham-and-egg-breakfast-bowls/
Lunch ~   Leftover baked ham, green beans and cucumbers
Snack ~  Carrot Juice and almonds
Dinner ~  Paleo Chili     http://fastpaleo.com/chili/

For my workout yesterday, we did a repeat of Wod #3 of the Bend Winter Games.
2 rounds ~ 25 push press (45# bar), 25 jumping lunges
Skill: Front Squat 5x5      105#
WOD: (event 3 from the games this weekend)
2 min. max burpees, full hand release, end on 45#plate
1 min rest
25 Thrusters 65#
500m row
25 Back Squats 65#
800m run completed Rx in 12:37

Favorite Video ~ my good friend Evan Satterfield from Crossfit Murfreesboro and his crazy bat like abilities!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ovMu5oQlX8&feature=youtu.be


  1. Keep it coming girl. When im ready to quit, i just read your blog. You keep me motivated. I want to see the finish line.

  2. I'm so glad you're reading! Thanks for letting me know - and you WILL see the finish line!
