Thursday, January 19, 2012

Getting Real: The 21 Day Sugar Detox Days 18-21

A Cinderella Story ~

     Over the weekend I will complete my 21 Day Sugar Detox ( can I get a Halleluiah?!!!!)  
I would like to lie and say that I've enjoyed this process and look forward to living the rest of my life sugar free.  But I'm not a fan of lightening strikes, so I'm just not going to pretend on this one.

Has it been horrid?  No.  Not really.  
Has it been fun?   No.   Not really.

Will I continue to be much more mindful of what sugars I do eat?  Absolutely.  

Do I feel better?  Yes.

Did I lose weight?   Nope. 

But what I did do, was lose 2 whole inches around that nasty wheat belly I'd been carrying around, and I'd say that's much better than 'weight lost.'     Because let's be honest, 'weight lost' suggests that I intend to find it again and my friend, I do not intend to do any such thing!

I will tell you that the thing that helped me succeed the most, was clearing out the pantry.       When I stopped making excuses for 'buying things for the kids lunches'  that I could then later consume ~   and got that pantry down to nearly nothing... that's when things started to change.

First thing in the morning when the kids want to know what they can have to eat, I can honestly answer them with 'Anything you can find in the fridge or pantry.'    There aren't any hidden treats or tempting crackers. There aren't even any Gummies or Goldfish.  No Ritz, no Cheerios, no Ghiradelli chocolates and no bread.  

We could literally go to the fridge and eat whatever looked good.   "But my kids are picky" Grapefruit began disappearing at the hands of the kid who would previously only eat cheerios and peanut butter.  Cabbage is being consumed raw while they watch movies.   And I have been able to make the switch from craving chips and chocolate to honestly craving a meal instead.  If the right choices are the only choices, our kids aren't as picky as we allow them to be!     (hmmm... there's a thought.)

No!     By having only what we should eat (tons of fresh fruit, veggies, easy protein, eggs and nuts) the choices were so much easier to make.     I didn't have to try to 'overlook' things, and I didn't have to worry about making the right choice.   It was simply a matter of pulling together what I did have and putting it on the table.

It wasn't more work.   Once I decided it was what we were going to do. 

It wasn't bland food.    Bacon can spice up anything :)

And no, I wasn't hungry all the time.   As a matter of fact, I enjoy being full now because it doesn't come accompanied with that awful bloated- I-need a nap feeling.   I eat, I feel full, I feel satisfied and then when I'm hungry again I eat.   
In a way it reminds me of parenting.    If you ever put your child on a schedule and kept track of what your baby ate and when and how much, (which I did because I'm a nerd)  it takes the guess work out of the equation. If  I knew for certain that I had covered the basics I was a much more confident parent ~  and then if things were out of whack I could track down the problem because most things had been eliminated.

Feeding my body has been a lot like that process.   When I eliminated certain things and kept track of what I was eating and when - it became a lot easier to listen to my body.
 I wasn't always fighting some ailment, or fighting an upset stomach- or popping pills to settle the indigestion.   The food I began feeding my body began working with my body instead of against it.  Which settled the hunger. Which fed the energy.  Which stopped the 3pm bonk.   Which gave me the confidence to do it another day. Which helped me lose the weight in inches.
Which gave me more energy at the gym .......

You get the picture.   

I want to share a post by  Coach Scott Abel
       "The diet-mentality can never work because its sole/soul focus is of pain/pleasure - which itself creates emotional tension - and emotional tension always seeks relief. So, when you reward yourself with food or pig out - the pleasure is instant but the pain is delayed, and you know it, so it creates emotional tension - Then when you try to compensate and eat less, the pain is instant and the pleasure is delayed, but you need it, and this creates emotional tension - So, the result of both scenarios is emotional tension. And since emotional tension always seeks relief, then the reality math of this can NEVER work. The diet-mentality is THE PROBLEM, NOT THE SOLUTION
 I love his perspective on the term diet and am I am now a firm believer in the importance of changing your lifestyle vs going on a diet.   
I set out to succeed.  I set out to win.   And although it was only a competition against myself, it was crucial that some things be brought up, dealt with, cast aside and ultimately conquered.   
If you ever fought with me, you know that I'm pretty competitive... but I sometimes lacked the belief in myself to be able to finish the fight.  After these 21 days, I believe that is changing.     I didn't discover any secret to success, but I did discover a light in me that I thought had gone dark.   I found that hidden pocket of tough that was ready to dig in an see this all the way through.     
 And I did.          
If you're just beginning your journey, or maybe you weren't able to stick to it ~  don't give up. Remember, it's a lifestyle and lifetime change. It won't happen over night.  It won't even happen tomorrow.  But it will happen one change at a time, and if that's all you can do, then you be proud of that.   Let that be your inspiration to go on and make the next choice.  And before you know it, it kinda' feels normal, this new way of life, and you're not so stressed about it anymore.
  Let me leave you with a few more words from Coach Able..... 
    "Some people just need a little more help believing in themselves in real terms - they just can't recognize their own gifts. But I've found as a coach this old adage is true - "Put even the plainest woman in a beautiful, elegant and expensive dress and she will always aim to live up to it." Nothing wrong in coaxing the Cinderella out of someone who has forgotten she still lives inside her. In fact, it is my most rewarding work."
Find your Cinderella and embrace her!    Fight for her, cause' she's worth it!

Breakfast ~ Green Drink
Snack~  post workout ARM
Lunch ~ 1/2 Green Drink, Baked Ham, Cashews
Snack ~ Sweet potato
Dinner ~ Paleo Chili
Workout for the day:
Tabata 8 rounds push ups/Vups
Skill:  5x5 Thrusters  (these are going to be the death of me)   85#
WOD:    3 rounds for time
           100 Ft. walking overhead lunges 25#plate
             15 Pull ups
               20 Kettle bell swings  1.5 pd  (russian swing)
Time ~ 12:30
 Favorite Video~ Vegetarian Chicken rant 
Cool Workout Clothes~
 Favorite Blog ~
Favorite Recie ~  Strawberry Cupcakes

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