Thursday, January 5, 2012

Getting Real: 21 Day Sugar Detox Day 5

My hope~    I'm really struggling  to put this post together.    I keep wandering back to the 'how to get started' point ~  but am finding that there's so much that has to happen before you get started, that I don't know where to start.  (I'm assuming you followed that?)

I know I haven't arrived.    But I also know I've changed.   

I know I didn't get a degree in nutrition, but I also know I've studied for months and have seen the changes in myself first hand.

I'm still thinking over the next couple of days we should talk about how to get started.   But sometimes making a big change has to come backed by lots of encouragement, a promise not to fail, or maybe just knowing that one person believes you can do it.

So I chose to be that one person for you.  

Maybe you've never had any luck when it came to eating healthy or changing your eating habits for any length of time.... maybe you are super strict and restrictive and able to quit things cold turkey, but the changes still didn't stick.

Do you want things to change?  That's the first and most important question.   Do you really want things to be different?   No more just talking about doing things a different way.  I'm talking about radical, life changing, positive influence win your friends and your enemies kind of change? (I never did read that book. It always felt a bit too much like manipulation to me. anyway....)

I think you are ready......    I know I was.    

At some point I feel like it would be helpful for me to share my journey from the beginning where I simply chose to give up Coke ~ but as I work out that story, I want you to sit with the previous question for awhile.  Think about it.    Really stop and be quiet and listen to what's buried deep inside you. That part that you hide because, honestly you're just tired of trying and failing and never succeeding when you set out to change.

Do you really want to change?

I still think you do, and not only that I believe you can!   

So I want to share some of the articles that were instrumental in giving me the encouragement and more importantly the belief that this was really possible for ME.  Not just all the pretty people in the pictures  -  but me.  Plain old ordinary me.    And to encourage you, that somewhere in this process I discovered a little thing called hope.   

I began to believe that I could make a difference.  How would your life change today if you believed you could make a difference?  

Hope is an interesting thing.  It comes in when you least expect it, and it fills up some of those empty places inside you.   By definition, Hope is

A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

Want something to happen or be the case: "he's hoping for compensation"; "I hope that the kids are OK".

noun.  expectation - expectancy - expectance - trust - promise
verb.  trust - expect - anticipate
To want something to happen.  To expect something to happen.  To trust something to happen. To anticipate something to happen.  To HOPE.
Spend some time reading these articles. Let that tiny seed of hope go ahead and plant itself in your heart and then start to water it... or let me water it.  

Now here comes the first part people have trouble with.  " I have to give up my grains?  What am I going to eat? But I eat whole steel cut healthy grains. Those are good for you right?"

So before you throw out the idea just because you love your bread ~ humor me and read.  Ok?  OKayyy?!  .......

I took the day off from working out ~  so no fun stuff to report there :)

Breakfast ~  2 eggs, bacon, green juice and some almonds
Snack ~ handful of sweet potato chips
Lunch ~ pork chop fried in bacon fat, peas
Snack ~ Carrot juice, guacamole wrapped in sliced chicken

Recipe ~

Motivational Video ~

Featured Blog ~

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